TOKN Technology

COVID-19: A one way ticket to digital transformation

There is probably not one business, that has not been affected by the Coronavirus (COVID – 19) in one way or another. As we currently seek ways to bring the virus under control, to help each other out while keeping businesses running as best they can in these uncertain times, one thing is certain and that things will never go back to the way they were. Our recovery now depends on us and our ability to embrace digital technology like never before. With this, the health, safety and well-being of your people should come before anything else.
The question is how?

Whether we like it or not, digital technology is here to stay. We are now embracing digital technology like never before. We are now and will continue to consume data and communicate in ways that we have never had to before. from mining to healthcare to education. And in some cases our lives depend on it. The majority of the population will now know what an app is, how blue tooth works and where to find the app store.

The question is how can you bring your organisation down this one way street as painlessly as possible.

TOKN is a leading provider of digital enterprise software solutions and, like you, we have faced this change firsthand. We have also been fortunate enough to be part of the technological change that has helped other organisations deal with this change. We have seen organisations continue operations while looking after the safety and well being of their people, using tools to help them work safer and smarter.

Below are some of our findings from our recent experiences in providing cutting edge solutions to the mining and health care industries at this time. Interestingly, these ideas are here to stay. This is not one of those sales pitches stating that this is the new normal. This is us, facing the facts.
Feel free to contact us to see if we can in any way help you with your planning and execution in these challenging times.

Keeping your people informed
By updating our employees on the virus and the steps they should be taking to minimise the possibility of contracting and spreading the virus is imperative. This might include frequent updates on safety precautions in place, new developments being rolled out at short notice, fast changing travel restrictions and updates, health & hygiene guidelines and tools to help with the mobilisation of local and regional teams. We have found that incorporating Broadcast Messaging capability into your digital strategy (to instantly alert and inform your people) should be high on the agenda right now. Broadcast Manager Video

Further to this, it is essential to adapt your organisation to embrace improved methods of communication, with the added benefit of future proofing your organisation even further. For example, adapting your company’s news and updates to be available through a mobile app would be solid strategy for communicating with your workforce. This provides instant, on demand information to your people at a fraction of the cost. In our experience people are not looking at intranets anymore and are spending more times on their phones. The move to mobile just makes sense.

Safer transactions and contactless transactions
The virus spreads though touch and surfaces. According to the World Health Organisation (, it can live for up to 72 hours on plastic , and 24 hours on a sheet of paper alone. This is not limited to just this virus – most viruses can behave this way. You need to think of the ways in which you can work smarter during this time, removing as many “points of contact” as possible between your workers, customers and stakeholders. Not only does this prevent the spread, if also keeps your business running and transactions flowing. We suggest embedding better practices using digital capability. Timesheet+ Video

Make it easy …… Better user adoption
Adopting digital ways of working and adding new digital capabilities can pose many challenges for an organisation. The organisation is immediately faced with questions like device security, data privacy, software bugs, trouble shooting and user adoption. There are hundreds of app out there, but do they work the way you need them to? Are they secure enough and can users start using them today?

It’s important that you consider the right digital strategy for your organisation, and develop an agnostic toolset that gives you the robust integration you need with the security and control features to manage these tools at scale in your organisation. iPaaS for Platform as a service software is a game changer for organisations looking to bridge the digital divide. With no installation and infrastructure costs, it means your business can start that journey today at a fraction of the cost. Take a look at how our products compare and why this is now a must for your business. TOKN Technology.

Our world has changed forever. Its time your business did too. Get in touch today. Digital transformation is easier than you think, but you need to have the right tools and partners in place to make it happen.

TOKN is local product supported by the best local team.

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