TOKN Technology

Genesis Petroleum – Accessing Data in Real time

Genesis Petroleum – Accessing Data in Real time


Executive Summary

Genesis Petroleum Technologies (GPT) is a world’s best-in-class provider of award-winning specialised software and services to the Oil & Gas industry. The company’s products are used extensively to implement process improvement in drilling campaigns, including in deep-water and ultra-deepwater environments. Genesis has chosen the TOKN Enterprise Mobility platform to help showcase its software on smart devices to clients around the world.

Using TOKN software the company’s clients are provided with one touch, real time access to the latest data and reports on their smart devices, with quick and easy visual representations of key drilling metrics and operations data available so decisions can be made rapidly in the field.

GPT found that the TOKN Mobility platform has reduced Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) compare to other solutions, as fewer resources were required to implement and manage the solution.


The TOKN Enterprise Mobility platform was selected to meet the needs of Genesis Petroleum Technologies and their clients around the world. TOKN is a local supplier that specialises in Line of Business mobility solutions, integrating with multiple enterprise systems and offering comprehensive mobile application management, mobile device management and mobile app development capability.

TOKN is also able to facilitate the management of devices securely, and offers applications to administer these devices remotely.

What we did:

  • The TOKN On Premises solution was implemented and integrated with the GPTsoftware API.
  • Using the TOKN App Development Studio five native applications were designed and built in under 4 weeks.
  • Without any training users were able to utilise the apps and display real time information with favourable response times.
  • All apps are HTML based and native to iOS, Android and MS.
  • Users were able to Bring Their Own Device, an initiative supported by TOKN at the core.
  • All apps utilise TOKN’s offline capabilities.


The TOKN platform has allowed Genesis Petroleum Technologies to rapidly design and build device agnostic mobile applications that are fully integrated with the company’s data and API, complementing its powerful Analytical Software Engine and better supporting clients to view, interpret and take action on drilling analytics.

As GPT extends on this initiative and introduces new applications this ecosystem will incrementally grow. By taking a consistent approach GPT will be able to simplify this growth, and at the same time offer the flexibility required to meet the needs of its different lines of business. Consequently, this has the effect of both simplifying the user experience and the extension of the mobility ecosystem. Performance of the solution both online and offline was positive. Going forward attention will need to be given to data volumes and consolidation, and as the mobile ecosystem grows this may need to be managed through effective data consolidation strategies.

TOKN has met the business need for enterprise mobility within the operating context of GPT and their clients. Productivity gains were achieved through reduced transaction times and by further mobilising the workforce, while at the same time TOKN created opportunities to reduce the cost of ownership through simpler application development and management processes.

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