Here at TOKN we are continually trying to improve our product and introduce new features and tools to make the lives of our users easier, sometimes in ways they didn’t even know they needed!
This is why we are excited to announce the introduction of the TOKN Content Management System (CMS) to the TOKN suite. With intranets becoming a thing of the past and the need to be connected to a mobile workforce being more important than ever, TOKN has designed a CMS solution that makes it easier than ever to distribute information to a mobile workforce. Check out some of the details below.
Upload Documents, Images, PDFs, Links & more for easy distribution
The CMS module has a Documents Manager for the easy upload of any files, pictures, links, pdfs or more that you want to share with your workforce.
Send comms in a broadcast, through a news feed, job board and more.
Easily create, edit, collaborate on and publish posts, articles, images, videos and more to your selected section of the app. By creating customisable categories based on user needs (e.g. – safety, HR, jobs, and more) and then into sub-categories (i.e. – under safety you can have blasting, incidents, safety notices and more).
Flag important dates and events through the CMS Calendar Function
Ensure your staff are always aware of upcoming events with the CMS Calendar Function. You can easily add events via the TOKN Console which are sent out to your selected employee(s), ensuring your workers always have the information on hand about what is coming up next.
This is just the start – to learn what other features are available in the TOKN CMS tool, get in contact here or send us an email for a demo!

Discover more here.