Site Safety Apps
Site Safety App - FieldSafe
Simplify your safe system of work and get you team home safe.
Smarter Journey Management
Ensure your team arrives safely everytime
The Journey Management app is a cutting-edge cloud safety solution that features a mobile app to quickly capture new journey management plans, and system to proactively manage the safe journey of you crew. Get notified instantly when one of you team does not arrive, Used by field technicians everywhere the journey management app includes a complete compliance record.
- Effortless Journey managment and capture.
- Stay connected to your team, no matter the distance
- Complete complianse record
- Full visibilitywith instant alerts when your staff have reached their destination
- Seempless integration to Xero, MYOB, Simpro and more
- Ensure your team arrives on site safelSeempless
Comprehensive Incident Management
At TOKN we prioritize the safety and well-being of our community, recognizing that incident management is a critical aspect of fostering a more secure, transparent, accountable and learning oriented workplace culture. Our Incident Management system is designed to address a spectrum of incidents such as environmental incidents, psychoillness and sexual harassment ensuring the safety of women within our community. We understand the profound impact these incidents can have on individuals and the collective community and the necessity to learn from them so we don’t make the same mistakes again. TOKN Incident manager focuses on effective incident capture , investigation management , action management , reporting , record keeping and learning management. Our Incident Management system reflects our dedication to helping you maintaining a secure environment for all, nurturing a culture of trust, accountability, and empathy.
- Prevent incidents from occurring, and ensure you learn from them if they do.
- Better incident reporting , Environmental, Injury and phsycoillness
- Flexible investigation Management , Timelines, 5 Why’s analysis, Bowtie and more
- Action Management , integrated with all solutions.
- Integrated with Business System, Pronto Xero MYOB, Simpro, and more
- Mobile app for offline incident capture.
- Incident workflow management, to ensure the correct stakeholders are informed and notified
- Live Safety feed integrations
- Complete Compliance and reporting